ImagiNature Studio
Butterflies of Nova Scotia
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (silvery blue) uns P1100340
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (silvery blue) uns P1100501
Glaucopsyche lygdamus (silvery blue) ups P1000326
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) P1120279
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) female ups P1130023
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) male uns P1070071
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) male ups P1070072
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) mating pr P1130410
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) uns DSC06409
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) ups DSC06403
Hesperia comma (branded skipper) ups P1070040
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) P1070814
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) P1120840
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) uns P1000992
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) uns P1070207
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) uns P1070740
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) uns P1070760
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) ups P1070769
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) ups P1090567
Limenitis archippus (viceroy) ups w Typocerus velutinus (banded longhorn) P1120836
Limenitis arthemis (white admiral) uns P1100836
Limenitis arthemis (white admiral) uns at sap P1010180
Limenitis arthemis (white admiral) ups P1100848
Limenitis arthemis ups (white admiral) DSC08022
Lycaeides (Plebejus) idas (crowberry blue) f uns DSC08439
Lycaeides (Plebejus) idas (crowberry blue) f ups DSC08483
Lycaeides (Plebejus) idas (crowberry blue) m ups DSC08419
Lycaeides idas (northern blue) male ups P1100940
Lycaeides idas (northern blue) uns P1100956
Lycaeides idas (northern or crowberry blue) mating pr P1100987
Lycaena dospassosi (Maritime or salt marsh copper) male ups P1050169
Lycaena dospassosi (Maritime or salt marsh copper) uns P1050158
Lycaena dospassosi (maritime copper) female ups P1010772
Lycaena dospassosi (maritime copper) male uns P1010784
Lycaena dospassosi (maritime copper) male uns P1010794
Lycaena dospassosi (maritime copper) male ups P1010789
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) DSC05381
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) P1110552
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) female ups DSC08605
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) male ups DSC08609
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) uns DSC08601
Lycaena epixanthe (bog copper) ups P1110246
Lycaena phleas (American copper) DSC09902
Lycaena phleas (American copper) P1070050
Lycaena phleas (American copper) P1070302
Lycaena phleas (American copper) P1130344
Lycaena phleas (American copper) uns P1140070
Lycaena phleas (American copper) uns on Hieracium(hawkweed) DSC09896
Lycaena phleas (American copper) ups P1140125
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) DSC09817
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) uns P1060416
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) uns P1130759
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) uns P1130991
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) ups P1060234
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak) ups P1130114
Papilio canadensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) puddling P1100544
Papilio canadensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) uns P1100477
Papilio canadensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) ups P1000536
Papilio canadensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) ups P1100471
Papilio candensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) P1100883
Papilio candensis (Canadian tiger swallowtail) uns DSC00103
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) puddling P1000786
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) uns P1010105
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) uns P1040979
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) uns P1100786
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) uns P1110166
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) ups P1010323
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) ups P1110026
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent) ups P1110759
Pieris oleracea (mustard white) DSC09741
Pieris oleracea (mustard white) mating pr P1050002
Pieris oleracea (mustard white) uns DSC06169
Pieris oleracea (mustard white) uns P1070489
Pieris oleracea (mustard white) ups DSC05977
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) female rejection posture ups DSC09877
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) female ups DSC09362
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) female ups P1020169
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) male courtship & female rejection DSC09876
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) male ups P1070898
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) mating pr DSC05530
Pieris rapae (cabbage white) uns perched P1060400
Pieris rape (cabbage white) male uns P1050939
Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas (northern or crowberry blue) male ups P1010648
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) DSC09796
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) P1040698
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) at clover P1040266
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) courting pr P1000527
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) uns P1040377
Poanes hobomok (hobomok skipper) ups P1000433
Polites mystic (long dash skipper) mating pr DSC08269
Polites mystic (long dash) female uns DSC05234
Polites mystic (long dash) male ups P1010573
Polites mystic (long dash) uns P1110363
Polites mystic (long dash) ups and Euphyes vestris (dun skipper) ups P1110380
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) male ups P1010577
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) male ups P1010584
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) uns P1010073
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) uns P1040798
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) uns P1110643
Polites peckius (Peck's skipper) uns w Polites themistocles (tawny-edged skipper) ups pre-flight and top edge P1110656
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