Hemiptera (true bugs, cicadas, hoppers, etc.)
Acanalonia conica (planthoppers) trio P7190011
Acanthocephala declivis (giant leaf-fotted bug) immature w beetle prey P5150037
Acanthocephala declivis (giant spine-headed or leaf-footed bug) mating pr DSC03700
Adelphocoris lineolatus (alfalfa plant bug) P1130746
Adelphocoris lineolatus (alfalfa plant bug) P1140867
Aphis nerii (milkweed aphid) DSC00640
Aphis nerii (milkweed aphid) w lady beetle larva (Coccinellidae, Scymnini) P5270017
Aphrophora alni (alder spittlebug) side P1130890
Apiomerus spissipes (bee assassin bug) w sweat bee prey DSCN3393
Apiomerus spissipes (bee assassin) pair DSC02042
Apiomerus spissipes (bee assassin) w Trigonopeltastes delta (delta flower scarab beetle) prey DSC01276
Arilis cristatus (wheel bug) w prey P9245226
Arilus cristatus (wheel bug) P9275397
Belastoma sp (giant water bug or toe biter) P1130652
Belastoma sp (giant water bug or toe biter) P1130655
Brochymena sp (rough stink bug) P8119943
Ceresa sp. (Membracid treehopper) P1070162
Cersa palmeri (treehopper) side P1130625
Chaitophorus populicola (poplar leaf aphid) tended by Campanotus pennsylvanicus (black carpenter ant) P1060446
Chaitophorus populicola (poplar leaf aphid) w ants P1130872
Chelinidea vittiger (cactus coreid) DSCN0280
Diolcus chrysorrhoeus (shield-backed bug) P8119936
Elasmucha lateralis (shield or parent bug) P1110545
Euschistus servus (brown stink bug) front P1120898
Euschistus tristigmus (dusky stinkbug) P1070266
Euthyrhynchus floridanus (Florida predatory stink bug) nymph front DSC01649
Euthyrhynchus floridanus (Florida predatory stink bug) nymph side DSC01648
Gerris buenoi (water strider) P1010273
Gerris remigis (water strider) mating pair DSC07160
Gerris sp (water strider) P1120202
Gerris sp(water strider) mating pr P1110963
Graphocephala coccinea (candy-striped leafhopper) DSC06384
Graphocephala coccinea (candy-striped leafhopper) P1130801
Graphocephala coccinea (candy-striped leafhopper) mating pair DSC00357
Gyponana cacumina (planthopper) side P1120010
Hyalymenus tarsatus (borad-headed bug) ant mimic nymph DSCN3152
Jadera haematoloma (red-shouldered bugs) mating pr DSCN1220
Largus cinctus (bordered plant bug) DSCN2443
Largus cinctus (bordered plant bug) P9100014
Leptoglossus phyllopus (eastern leaf-footed bug) P9170028
Leptoglossus phyllopus (eastern leaf-footed bug) P9170033
Leptoglossus phyllopus (eastern leaf-footed bug) nymphs P8310025
Leptoglossus phyllopus (eastern leaf-footed bug) on Yucca arkansana bud P5150027
Leptophya sp (lace bug) DSCN2573
Lygus lineolaris (tarnished plant bug) P1100921
Metcalfa pruinosa (white or citrus planthopper) P6030019
Neocicada hieroglyphica (heiroglypic cicada) Hardin Co. DSC02307
Nezara viridula (southern green stink bug) pair DSC02081
Notonecta sp (backswimmer) P1120962
Notonecta sp (backswimmer) P1140466
Oncometopia orbona (leafhopper) DSC03329
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed beetle) and Aphis nerii (milkweed aphid) on buds of Asclepias currasavica (tropical milkweed) P7064113
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed bug) DSCN0193
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed bug) nymphs P5270037
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed bug) on fruit of Asclepias viridis (green milkweed) P6080009
Oncopeltus sexmaculatus (six-spotted milkweed bug) DSCN0921
Paraprociphilus tessellatus (wooly alder aphids) w ants P1140188
Phymata sp (ambush bug) w Hylephila phleus (fiery skipper) prey PA146121
Phymata sp (ambush bug) w sweat bee prey P8039645
Prosapia bicincta (two-lined spiitlebug) DSC02492
Proxys punctulatus (black stink bug) P7110008
Stiretrus anchorago (anchor stink bug) P9275402
Tibicen canicularis (dog-day cicada) P1060652
Tibicen canicularis (dog-day cicada) P1110866
Tibicen canicularis (dog-day cicada) P1120041
Tibicen canicularis (dog-day cicada) P1130180
Tibicen linnei (Linne's cicada) DSCN2387
Tibicen pruinosa (silver-bellied cicada) DSC01046
Tibicen superba (superb cicada) freshly moulted w cast skin DSCN2391
Tibicen tibicen (chloromerus) cicada side DSC02922
Trigonotylus sp (plant bug) P1130310