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ImagiNature Studio is...
First, and foremost, ImagiNature Studio is about Nature photography. I photograph plants, wildflowers, insects and other animals, a few scenics that provide a sense of the places I've been. And I've been doing it for more than 35 years, all across North America and the Caribbean.
More than 35,000 images means ImagiNature Studio is also Stock Photography. I have an extensive catalogue of nature and scenic photos from Ontario & Nova Scotia, Texas and the southeastern US, Mexico and Jamaica, with a soupçon of photos from other places in Canada and the United States.
ImagiNature Studio also provides Graphic Design & Publishing Services. I have 15+ years of experience doing desktop publishing and the graphic design services needed to elevate a publication above the mundane. Combining text and graphical elements that support the text is an art...
Read moreLatest Blog Entries...
A Rare Nova Scotia Butterfly...
Posted on 16.07.2014
A Face on a Face...
Posted on 16.07.2014
Favourite Blog Entries...
Backyard Visitor...
Posted on 07.07.2014
Puddling Canadian Tiger Swallowtails...
Posted on 26.06.2014

Nature & Stock Photography
Photography has changed but a good photo is a good photo regardless of the medium! Once upon a time, I shot Kodachrome slides but now my photography and workflow is entirely digital using Sony & Panasonic cameras and Adobe CS5 Software. But the more things change, the more they stay the same: a good photo is still a good photo regardless of medium.
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Graphic Design & Publishing
Like photography, publishing has changed but communication is still communication. We used to communicate with our members, clients, family, constituents and readers with words (and pictures) on paper but modern publishing now means communicating in both print & electronic media. ImagiNature Studio can accommodate your needs, designs, and desires...
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ImagiNature Studio Services
ImagiNature Studio can provide expertly identified nature & wildlife photos from a stock of more than 35,000 images. We can scan your originals and provide digital or archival prints of your (or our own) works, to your specifications. We can also help you with logo design or identity packages, advertisement design, clean & simple website designs, and your presentations.
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